
Monthly Q&A | 60 minutes | Free

Feeling stuck in a life you 'didn’t choose'? This monthly Q&A call is your chance to ask questions, share experiences, and take the first step toward bold, intentional living.

Everyone is welcome, new and returning explorers.

These calls are an exploration for those new to their design or dropping in for a refresher and a great way to meet me online and get a feel for whether you want to invest in working with me.

Invite a friend to add to the fun, our design in relation to those around us can be a great way to understand the energy mechanics of ourself and others.
My referral program gives you and your friend a 9% discount.*


Enter your contact information, and tap 'Register' below.
I will add your email address (anonymously) to the recurring calendar event with the call link.

Looking for information on my Human Design group program?