About me
Welcome, I'm Rachel and I’m so glad you’re here.
Thank you sincerely for being interested in yourself. You have a very important role in the community of Earth, and every step you take towards understanding yourself has value.
In 2020 I was introduced to Human Design. I didn’t understand what it all meant but it really caught my attention and I knew I wanted to know more. In 2023 the planets aligned for me to study and attain certification, now I am having the best time of my life sharing the Human Design system with others, my clients are loving their personal insights, and I am always finding something new to get excited about.
My experience of Human Design is something like discovering the clutch after driving without it all my life, sure I managed to manoeuvre through those crossroads but without changing gears I stalled occasionally, scraped a few curbs and had a few spills. Since learning about my design, I know I’m driving a manual and I’m now using the clutch, the intersections are smoother and I’m powering out of the corners - I'm a work in progress, practitioner of life.
As an experimenter, knowledge seeker, and guide by nature, I thrive on the revelations that come from unfiltered, honest conversations. Learning my design catalysed my pursuit of inner work, transforming me from "trying to be something I am not" to embracing my energy type, allowing me to recognise and work through my ‘not-self' and subtle inner shifts that are now reflected in my evolving circumstances.
I am passionate about empowering others to inner-stand and read their own design, guiding them through their personal Human Design experiment. My ongoing studies focus on techniques that support the de-conditioning journey.
If Human Design interests you, or you’d just like to say hi, I’d love to hear from you.
I offer individual and group programs to explore your design. These include digital material you can consume at your own pace, live integration calls, plus one to one guidance calls all designed to support your Human Design de-conditioning journey.
By the way, in real life I’m really good with the clutch! I love to drive a manual.
No classics were harmed in learning my design.
Not sure where to start?
Book me for a phone or video call to discuss what might be the best place for you to start. The Human Design system is your experiment, this is your chance to explore your conditioning and rediscover your innate magick.
Let's chat!

Imagine your aura, your innate energy is ‘designed’ to respond to opportunities, or guide only when invited but you were taught to initiate and ‘just do it’, yet as much as you try, initiating just doesn’t go well for you.
According to Human Design only 9% of the skin suits on Earth are designed to initiate, now ponder the slogan ‘just do it’ and the pressure from society to get after what we want and ‘make it happen’.
What is Human
A blueprint or instruction manual for the mechanisms I'm born with that has helped me understand the vehicle I'm operating.
Are you ‘designed’ to be the initiator, guide, creator, or barometer?
Have you been ‘trained’ by society or life to operate outside of your innate design?
What if a subtle change could shift you into magnetism?
A system for the study of self, Human Design deciphers the cosmic neutrino imprint from our birth, creating a blueprint of how our aura and innate energy best interacts and is magnetic in the world. This blueprint can help us inner-stand our natural role in the community of Earth and how to apply our innate decision making process in daily life.
The Human Design system deciphers the cosmic placements, the cosmic neutrino imprint at our birth into a rave mandala ‘bodygraph’ for a visual display or map of those energies that you can learn to read and it turns out these cosmic patterns tell a story about the energetic components we came into this life with. However, it soon becomes apparent we've been trained to operate from our mind (the passenger) when our innate knowing is actually in our body (the vehicle).
Planetary transits (the neutrino stream or cosmic ‘weather’) and people around us with their own unique neutrino imprint ('design') contribute energetic interactions and through life we experience conditioning into our ‘not-self'.
Learning our unique combination in Human Design we begin unlocking the nuances of our knowing through exploring our unique neutrino imprint, our 'design' energy type, innate decision making process, the way we are 'designed' to interact in community and our natural magnetism for opportunities.
All combined our personal cosmic aspects make us each very unique individuals (no surprise there) and in my experience the Human Design system is like a blueprint or instruction manual for the mechanisms I'm born with that has helped me understand the vehicle I'm operating.
It's as if I had been trying to succeed at driving an automatic transmission to win long distance races at speed, when I came here with a manual transmission, a clutch pedal, and all the components to find joy (and therefore success) in short bursts of rally driving.
At the core of our Human Design instruction manual are our aura, energy type and inner authority as defined by planetary placements, and our approach from our Sun and Earth gates (I-Ching hexagrams/Gene Keys). Inner-standing and implementing these foundations of our Human Design initiates shifts in how we interact with the world, how magnetic we are to the right people and opportunities for us and general ease and flow in our life.
While these foundations are a large and fundamental part of our design there are also nuances and depths to explore in the gates in our bodygraph, both those defined by cosmic placements at birth and those not. Working through the genius pathways of The Success Codex is an insightful tool for guiding our contemplations, a focused map with just the highlights of the scenic route.
Un-learning our conditioned ‘not-self’ and integration of our innate design can be a life long exploration but the benefits of applying the strategy that activates our aura’s energy type can be swift and encouraging. The dynamics and cycle of making aligned decisions within our innate magnetism can amplify making it easier next time, similar to gratitude work where noticing more things to appreciate attracts more to be grateful for.
If you’re at all curious about your cosmic imprints, download your personal Human Design blueprint report for an introduction to your unique design foundations.
To explore your bodygraph further, to inner-stand your self and others in your life I offer individual and group programs to begin purposely living your design. These include digital material you can consume at your own pace, live integration calls, plus one to one guidance calls all designed to support your Human Design de-conditioning journey.
Welcome to your personal Human Design experiment as you become aware of how your unique energy is designed to interact with other and the world around you.
Not sure where to start?
Book me for a phone or video call to discuss what might be the best place for you to start. The Human Design system is your experiment, this is your chance to explore your conditioning and rediscover your innate magick.
Let's chat!
Don't know your design yet? Generate your free blueprint (bodygraph) and reports depicting how you create, process, and interact with energy.
Rachel James byDesign is an EarthStar Connection Project