About me

Welcome, I'm Rachel and I’m so glad you’re here.

Thank you sincerely for being interested in yourself. You have a very important role in the community of Earth, and every step you take towards understanding yourself has value.

In 2020 I was introduced to Human Design. I didn’t understand what it all meant but it really caught my attention and I knew I wanted to know more.

The planets aligned and in 2024 I am having the best time of my life sharing the Human Design system with others. My clients are loving their personal insights and I am always finding something new to get excited about.

Neutrino Imprints

Very briefly, Human Design displays the cosmic placements, the neutrino imprint at our birth in a rave mandala ‘bodygraph’ for a visual display of those energies and it turns out these cosmic patterns tell a story about the energetic components we came into this life with.

We've generally been trained to operate from our mind (the passenger) when our innate knowing is actually in our body (the vehicle). We begin unlocking the nuances of our knowing through exploring our unique neutrino imprint, our 'design' energy type, innate decision making process, the way we are 'designed' to interact in community and our natural magnetism for opportunities.

Planetary Transits (the neutrino stream or cosmic ‘weather’) and people around us with their own unique neutrino imprint ('design') contribute energetic interactions and through life we experience conditioning into our 'not-self'.

All combined these aspects make us each very unique individuals (no surprise there) and in my experience the Human Design system is like a blueprint or instruction manual for the mechanisms I'm born with that has helped me understand the vehicle I'm operating.

It's as if I had been trying to succeed at driving an automatic transmission to win long distance races at speed, when I came here with a clutch pedal and all the components to find joy (and therefore success) in rally driving.


Not sure where to start?
Book me for a phone or video call to discuss what might be the best place for you to start. The Human Design system is your experiment, this is your chance to explore your conditioning and rediscover your innate magick.
Let's chat!

* 9% Referral Discount Terms & Conditions
Purchasing referral explorers both referring and referred qualify for a 9% discount off a single consult, program or bundle with me within a six month period, paid either up front or by instalment payments.

Not sure where to start?
Book me for a phone or video call to discuss what might be the best place for you to start. The Human Design system is your experiment, this is your chance to explore your conditioning and rediscover your innate magick.
Let's chat!